Daikaku-ji Temple, Kyoto

The article and photos by Fumiko Koike


1. Introduction of Daikaku-ji Temple

2. Tour Information

3. Message

1. Brief History of Daikaku-ji Temple

Daikaku-ji Temple was originally a retirement villa of Emperor Saga, who lived in the 8th to 9th centuries. It was changed into a temple in 876 by his daughter after he passed away. 


Although the current buildings are reconstructions, one of them was  actually used by other Imperial family members in the 17th century, before it was moved to Daikaku-ji Temple.


Visitors can actually have a close look at the imperial style architecture, which would be quite a special experience. Please note that photography is forbidden inside those buildings. 


Please note that photography is forbidden inside these buildings.  

2. Tour Information

To read the tour information in details, please go to the following pages:


3. Message

If you are looking for guided tours to visit Daikaku-ji Temple or/and other places in Kyoto, you are most welcome to contact Kyoto MANSAI Tours! 

The article and photos by Fumiko Koike