Kifune Shrine, Kyoto

The article and photos by Fumiko Koike


1. Introduction of Kifune Shrine

2. Tour Information

3. Message

1. Introduction of Kifune Shrine

Kifune Shrine is located alongside the clear Kibune River. The shrine is dedicated to a deity of water.


In ancient times, Imperial Courts sent out imperial messengers to pray for the deity of water to stop rainfall and/or to bring rainfall. 


Legend has it that the name of the small town "Kibune (or Kifune)" means "the source of life force" or "Yellow boat". 


Divine virtues include “Fortune”, “Matchmaking”, and “Safety voyage”.

2. Tour Information

To read the tour information in details, please go to the following pages:


3. Message

If you are looking for guided tours to visit Kifune Shrine or/and other places in Kyoto, you are most welcome to contact Kyoto MANSAI Tours! 

The article and photos by Fumiko Koike