Payment Information & Cancellation Policies

The contents on this page are part of Terms and Conditions.

All based on Japan local time

1. Timing for Payment

In the following sentences, "the client" means the representative of the family/group members, who take part in the same tour. If you are a solo traveler, it means yourself.

  • The client shall submit a reservation / booking /application form to Kyoto mansai tours and the necessary deposit
  • The reservation deposit is 20 percent of the TOTAL amount of the tour fare, which is required within 7 days after the client receives an invoice via email. (The booking is completed upon receipt of the reservation deposit by Kyoto mansai tours.)
  • The above invoice will be sent to the client, who submitted the form as the representative of your group/family.
  • The client who submits the Booking Form after the date of 11 days prior to the tour date shall pay the reservation deposit soon after the client receives an invoice via email.
  • The client shall pay the REST of the payment in full to Kyoto mansai tours ON YOUR TOUR DAY, at the start of the tour; please refer to the next section of Methods of Payment for more.

2.  Methods of Payment

  • For the reservation deposit (20 percent of the tour fare), online payment is required; you will receive an invoice via email. Please click the payment link sent together with the invoice to complete the payment, using your credit card.
  • For the rest of the tour fare (80 percent of the tour fare), please pay by credit card OR Japanese Yen cash at the beginning of your tour on your tour day.
  • For a cancellation charge, please pay by credit card.

3.  Cancellation Rates

The client is entitled to cancel the tour but is required to pay the following cancellation charges.



  • If notice of cancellation is received by Kyoto mansai tours (counting back from the day before the starting date of the tour date)

(a) up to 11 days prior to the date of the tour:

The amount of Plan Charge (ten percent of the tour price) if it is a Custom-ordered Tour


(b) 10 – 8 days prior to the date of the tour: 

20 % of the tour fare


(c) 7 – 2 days prior to the date of the tour: 

30 % of the tour fare


(d) 1 day prior to the date of the tour:

40 % of the tour fare


(e) prior to the starting time of the tour:

50 % of the tour fare


(f) after the starting time of the tour, or in case of failure to show without notice:

100 % of the tour fare  

4. Notes for Cancellation

  • Timing of cancellation notice is based on Japan local time.
  • The cancellation will be effective on which Kyoto mansai tours receives your written notification by email or via Inquiry Form.
  • If a client fails to pay the deposit / tour fare by the designated date, Kyoto mansai tours will assume the client has canceled, and the required cancellation charge will apply depending on the timing of the cancellation.
  • If a client would like to change the date of the tour, Kyoto mansai tours will assume the client made a cancellation of the tour, and the required cancellation charge will apply depending on the timing of the cancellation; after that, please inform your newly-chosen requested date for the tour.
  • For example, if one of your family/group members needs to cancel the tour, the cancellation policy will apply to that one particular member and depending on the timing of the cancellation, he/she needs to pay the cancellation charge.
  • If there is a refund after your cancellation, the money will be refunded on the same credit card you (the representative of the family / group) used when paying the deposit/tour fare.

5. Decline or Cancellation from Kyoto mansai tours

Kyoto mansai tours may decline your booking/ cancel the tour, for example, in the following cases:

  • If your requested tour day is already booked by other client(s). Kyoto mansai tours can lead ONE TOUR (FOR ONE PRIVATE GROP) PER DAY. 
  • If the client has not paid the deposit/tour fare by the prescribed date.
  • If there is a natural calamity or disaster, or other circumstances beyond Kyoto mansai tours’ control, and when safe and smooth tour operation according to the itinerary is likely to become impossible.
  • When the client demands things that are beyond the reasonable scope of the details in the itinerary.
  • When the client is recognized as unable to join / continue the tour owing to illness or other factors. [Kyoto mansai tours recommends all the client shall have travel insurance before starting the tour, and this insurance should cover injury, emergency medical expenses, and other expenses that might arise as a result of inconveniences occurring to the client.]
  • Kyoto mansai tours may also refuse the booking for the tour operation reasons.


6. Relaxed Policies Related to COVID-19; in effect till the end of May 2023

  • Considering the current circumstances, the following relaxed policies are in effect till the end of May 2023.


If you (the representative of the family/group) have to cancel the tour because you are tested positive for COVID-19 [or because you are possibly exposed to the virus] just before departure for Japan/ just before the tour with Kyoto mansai tours while in Japan;

Your payment for the reservation deposit (and the remaining tour fare if you paid) will be fully refunded. No need to pay the cancellation charges. If other members are not exposed to COVID-19 and therefore can still take the tour, please assign the alternate representative and inform his/her email address to Kyoto mansai tours, so that the newly chosen representative can receive confirmation email and other necessary information before the tour.


If one of your family/group members has to cancel the tour because she/he is tested positive for COVID-19 [or because she/he is possibly exposed to the virus] just before departure for Japan/ just before the tour with Kyoto mansai tours while in Japan;

Her/his payment for the reservation deposit (and the remaining tour fare if she/he paid) will be fully refunded. No need to pay the cancellation charges. Note that the money will be refunded on the same credit card, the one representative of the family/group used earlier, when paying the deposit / remaining tour fare.