Updates on booking information as of December 29th, 2022

Written by Fumiko Koike

Kyoto MANSAI Tours offers one-day tours meant for individual tourists. Tour prices include general admission and transportation fees.

If you are planning on booking a one-day tour of Kyoto MANSAI Tours, please read "COVID-19 measures" including "Relaxed Policies Related to COVID-19" before booking.



Japanese government started reopening the borders to the considerable number of foreign tourists including individual tourists from October 11, 2022, and also eased quarantine measures. 


Almost all returnees and entrants are required to provide either a valid COVID-19 vaccination certificate (3 doses) of vaccines on the Emergency Use List of World Health Organization (WHO) or a certificate of negative result of pre-departure COVID -19 test within 72 hours prior to departing from the original country /region. 


If you are planning on coming to Japan as a tourist, I recommend you check the detailed information and please follow the latest guidance from the official bodies, such as the following (There is an exception regarding China.): Border measures to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19)



Thank you very much for visiting this website!


 Kyoto MANSAI Tours(京都まんさいツアーズ)では、おもにガイド付き1日ツアーをご提供しております。ツアー代金には、普通拝観料と交通費が含まれております(ランチ代は含まれておりません)。





