Updates on booking information as of Feb 28th, 2022

Written by Fumiko Koike

At the end of February, the Japanese government announced that the borders of Japan will still remain closed for international tourists. 


They also said that the certain number of foreign people with business purposes as well as international students, etc. except for tourists will be allowed to enter Japan from March 1st.


It has not been decided when foreign tourists can enter Japan again.


For details of the border control measures, please check updates by yourself and follow the latest guidance from the official bodies before traveling to Japan.


If you are planning on booking a tour of Kyoto MANSAI Tours, it is recommended that you take the above information into account, and also read the followings. 


Thank you very much for your kind understanding and cooperation.

Dear International tourists,

Booking for 2022 is possible; please carefully read the COVID-19 measures as well as the "Relaxed Policies Related to COVID-19".

Dear foreign residents in Japan,   

It is possible for you to book a tour for 2022. If you are interested, please go to this page and check the tours.  

更新日:2022年2月28日   修正日:2022年3月17日





※京都の「まん延防止等重点措置」期間中は、ご予約のみの受付とさせていただきます。➡ 措置が撤廃されます3/22以降、ツアー催行可能となっております。